Welcome to the Church of St James, Porto

An international English-speaking Christian community in the Anglican tradition

Diocesan Logo
pilgrim shell

If you are planning to attend, please contact Angus McDougall +351 934 083 103, email or Vicky Field +351 926 149 029, email for more information.

Monthly bulletin (pews news, pew sheet, notices)

Environmental News
Rather than a small team, to get a 360 view we need everyone in St James to be involved. Please get in touch if you have an idea or question.


Safeguarding policy | Chaplaincy Safeguarding Policy Document

Weddings, baptisms and funerals

Schedule of Fees 2024
Please email the assistant chaplain.

The Well House

The Well House (church hall) at St James’ Church is often used for receptions and is available for hire by individuals and organizations

Please email the Churchwardens for further information

IRS 0.5% refund

6400 euros was received from 2023 tax returns
Many thanks to those who participated

The Church of England's online weekly service

A prayer for those who have died from the Coronavirus

Loving and merciful God, we pray for the souls of all who have died during the Coronavirus pandemic; for those of all ages, young and old, whose lives have been cut short; for those who through difficult circumstances died alone;  for those whose death was sudden and with no time to prepare for it.
Ever-present God, we hold up these precious lives to you, giving thanks for the love that has been given and received.
May they be granted peace, now and forever.
If you wish to visit the church or cemetery, please try the caretaker, Cecília Teixeira  Mobile: 917647825  Tel: 226064989; speak in Portuguese.

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