Outside Events

The British Historical Society of Portugal
Web site
I now wish to advertise our last talk/event of the year, which will total 7 activities in all in 2024.. A poster is not yet ready, but as soon as it is, I shall send it on. In brief, the details are as follows:

Illustrated talk on Wednesday, 20th November, at 6.15pm, followed by dinner at the British Club {OCLTC}. (This will form part of the 'British week', which will include King Charles's birthday on 21st and the Christmas Bazaar on 23rd. )

Details: "100 years of the two Crystal Palaces - London/Sydenham and Porto (1851 to 1951)" given jointly by Alan K. Dawber and Isabel Andrade Silva. Alan will 'deal with' the London Crystal Palace and Isabel with the Porto 'Palácio de Cristal'. There are close connections between the two. More details will be sent about the speakers, in particular Isabel. I am pleased that this will be a joint English/Portuguese participation.

The usual conditions apply: €5 entry to the talk. The optional dinner (always a pleasant experience) will cost €27,50, and will include 3 courses and all drinks. Please reply to Alan (talk) and Janice (Bain) (dinner) by Sunday night 17th November. As this will be the last talk of the year, and possibly Alan's last stint as official Porto organiser/representative, please come along and continue to support us.

We are also considering a BHSP Christmas lunch or dinner at the Club in December. We thought this would be a good idea. When registering for 20th November (or even if you cannot attend then), please state whether you would be interested in a Christmas Dinner. (Lunchtime might be better for several people, and would also avoid having to pay extra if we exceed a deadline of 11pm). The cost would be in the region of €32,50 each, not including drinks. (But Christmas is a special occasion.) More details will be sent if I receive several positive replies.

With sincere good wishes to all. Alan Alan Dawber (Porto organiser/representative).

Alan, phone 966497183 and email