Outside Events

The British Historical Society of Portugal
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poster advertising BHS talk

In September or early October (weekend date to be arranged), Michael Rothwell has agreed to take a group of active walkers on a tour of the CITY. Michael is very knowledgeable about Porto, and this should be a useful 'hands on' follow-up to the two excellent talks on "A Cidade Invicta" that Alfredo Almeida gave in May and June.

On Saturday 26th October, Drª Filipa Lowndes Vicente  will give a talk on India, about which she has expert knowledge. Filipa is a lecturer at the Institute of Social Sciences, Lisbon University. She is also an author. Her talk will be based on her latest book, and is titled "GOA IS A PLACE AN ENGLISHMAN OUGHT TO VISIT.  BRITISH TRAVELLERS IN GOA  (1850-1950)".  This session will take place in the afternoon, at about 3.30pm (to be confirmed), and will be followed by tea, in the lounge or long room at OCLTC. Filipa will be spending the weekend in Porto, and is booked into the Club.

Finally, on Wednesday 20th November, as part of a week of celebration of activities connected with the United Kingdom, including the King's birthday and ending on Saturday 23rd with the Christmas Bazaar,  I intend to give a joint talk with Isabel Andrade Silva titled "100 YEARS OF THE TWO CRYSTAL PALACES -  HYDE PARK/SYDENHAM  and PORTO (1851 to  1951)." There is considerable overlap between them, and they are closely related.

Alan, phone 966497183 and email